We understand that non-profits do not generally have the same resources to devote to staff and leader development that for-profit organizations do. Pathway makes leadership and organizational development accessible to non-profit leaders and staff. We equip non-profit leaders to take the next step in their development. Whether it’s learning to lead themselves, lead others, lead leaders, or lead an organization, there are classes, events, and coaching opportunities to help leaders reach their potential.

Pathway offers a cohort learning model for non-profit leaders at various stages in their development. We also offer stand-alone leadership and staff development events. Email brian@thepathwaygrp.org for more information.

Leadership Cohorts

Leadership Cohorts allow leaders who are at a similar point in the journey to grow together through online class, coaching, and events.

Lead Yourself

The Lead Yourself cohort is for emerging leaders preparing for a future leadership role. It focuses on developing personal competencies and skills that are the building blocks of other leadership competencies. This cohort works through Developing the Leader Within You and focuses on assessing and developing their Lead Yourself Competencies.

Lead Others

The Lead Others Cohort is leaders who are new to formal leadership roles or see a need to increase their core leadership skills. It focuses on developing key leadership competencies needed to effectively lead and manage others. This cohort works through the 21 Laws of Leadership, focuses on assessing and developing their Lead Others Competencies, and has a monthly one-on-one coaching session.

Lead Leaders

The Lead Leaders Cohort is for seasoned leaders who are leading multiple teams. It focuses on advanced leadership competencies and skills needed to develop other leaders in the organization. This cohort works through Leadership Gold, assesses and develops their Lead Leaders Competencies, and has monthly one-on-one coaching sessions.

Lead an Organization

The Lead and Organization Cohort is comprised of senior organizational leaders or those projected to move into the role in the near future. This cohort works through selected works on aspects of strategic leadership, assesses and develops their Lead an Organization Competencies, has monthly one-on-one coaching, and receives an invitation to an annual Senior Leaders gathering.